Joseph November, in an email to Don Brown, under his alias 'Eli James' wrote:From: Eli JamesDate: 7/29/2013 7:44:54 PMTo: donbroxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.netSubject: Re: FLYING UNDER FALSE COLORSThat's not my real name either, Don. Clifton Emahiser just invited a lawsuit for slander.
*:| straight face
Joseph November now denies that his name is November. We proved differently in Answering the Shills, Part 1. It really beats the hell out of me, how you can sue someone for calling you by a name which you have actually used to write that person with - for the proof of which one can see the envelope: Eli James First Wrote to Clifton Emahiser as Joseph November and the letter itself: Joseph November's August 7th, 2001 letter to Clifton Emahiser. This was four years before "Eli James Publishing" was registered as a business in Cook County, IL, and he started calling himself "Eli James".
Here on this page is a plethora of irrefutable proof that Joe November IS his real name!